8 min readFeb 17, 2022

This doc covers three topics: 1. Claiming and staking vesting tokens and your Atlo Rating, 2. Atlo Ratings and Allocations, and 3. How Staking impacts your score. You can view your Atlo Rating here.

First, let’s define some terms:

  • Atlo Rating : Your Total Points. This is the number that decides where you rank amongst the Atlo Community.
  • Atlo Ranking : This is shown as a percentage and provides you with a guideline of where you sit in the community ranking:
  • Allocation : This is how much you are able to buy in a sale and dependent on your Atlo Ranking.
  • Staking : The act of staking $ATLO either through Single Sided Staking or LP for the ATLO-UST pool.
  • Ramp Up : The process where points are added to your Atlo Score over a period of 20 days.
  • Ramp Down : The process where a penalty incurred on your score is decreased over a period of 20 days.
  • Fully Ramped : All points from an action have been fully accumulated.
  • Vesting : Tokens which were bought in the IDO and are not accessible to the owner.
  • Claimable : Vesting Tokens which are available to the owner.
  • Penalty : An action which results in a decrease in your Atlo Score.


The community asked if vesting tokens could count towards their Atlo Rating. We have implemented this. Your vesting tokens are “Fully Ramped”.

There is some confusion whether claimable tokens should be left alone, or claimed and then re-staked, and how this affects Atlo Ratings.
We’ve made this really easy for you.

  • If you leave your vesting $ATLO, claimable or otherwise, they are considered Single Side Staked and “Fully Ramped”.
  • If you claim any vesting $ATLO with the intent to stake it you should do so as close to when you claimed as possible to avoid a penalty and remain “Fully Ramped”.

In other words, you can do either and your tokens form IDO stay “Fully Ramped”.

This only applies to your vesting and claimable tokens.

When it comes to staking vesting tokens, you can leave them where they are, or you can claim and stake them within 20 days of claiming. It makes no difference to your staking score.

When your vesting period is complete, you will be able to move your full amount from “vesting” to “staked” without a penalty.

After that, normal rules apply.


Your score decides your Atlo Rating, and your rating is how allocations in sales are decided.

The higher up you rank, the better your allocation. This part is simple.

The rating dashboard makes it easy to know where you rank; your position in the community is shown as % just beneath your points total. In the screenshot above, the Atlo Rating is 67.89 and the position is in the top 40%.

This shows where you are relative to the rest of the community; we show your overall position and your position for each metric. The overall metric under your Atlo Rating is the one used to calculate your allocation.


You find out your allocation after a sale ends.
Because it’s a constantly changing number, anything we give you will be an estimate, or worse, outdated data.
If this sounds strange, think about it like this:
Your Allocation depends on your rating, how many people participate, and their Atlo Rating.
None of this information is final until the sale ends.
This makes it difficult for you to know how much to fund in a sale, but we’re making this less of a problem by shortening the time it takes to return your UST.

We’re working to turn around allocation sizes as fast as possible after a sale finishes. Any UST you fund that isn’t used in your allocation will be returned to you. We’re aiming for a turnaround time of 48 hours or less for this.


This section goes into detail about how the staking score is calculated. Staking makes up one fifth* of your score and has a huge impact on your Atlo Rating.

*The other four are Voting, Vote Quality, Warchest Contribution and Investor Quality. The last 2 are not yet active.

Let’s break down how the scoring and the penalties work.


When you stake, either Singled Side or LP, it adds to your staking score. When you unstake either of those, there’s a temporary penalty on your staking score.

The more you stake, the better. The less you unstake, the better. That’s the basics. Read on for more details.

  • There are two ways to stake; Single Side Staking and LP staking. This is how you earn staking points.
  • When you stake, the benefits to your score “ramp up”, getting better over time.
  • When you unstake, the penalty against your score “ramps down”, and gets less severe over time.


Your staking score starts with how many $ATLO you staked and the portion of total staked $ATLO it makes up.

Each of the five metrics has 200 000 points allocated to it. This means there are 200 000 points available for Staking Score to the whole community.

These points represent the total amount of $ATLO staked. Your points reflect how big a portion of the pool your staked $ATLO makes up.

EXAMPLE: If there’s a total of 50 000 $ATLO staked and you have Single Side Staked 10 000 $ATLO. Your points are calculated by dividing your stake by the total amount staked;
10 000 divided by 50 000 is 0.20 and represents 20% of the pool. Your score is 20% of 200 000 which equates to 40 000 points.

If the pool size doubled to 100 000 but your stake remained the same, it would represent 10% (10 000 / 100 000) of the pool and be worth 20 000* (10% of 200 0000) points.


$ATLO used to provide LP staking is weighted by 30% more than $ATLO in Single Sided Staking. Incentivising LP provision adds stability to the token price.

We calculate your Atlo Rating using the number of $ATLO at time of staking only. $ATLO earned through rewards are not counted.

LP stakers don’t earn staking points from their UST. LP providers are also exposed to the risk of Impermanent Loss (learn more about IL here).

EXAMPLE: Using the earlier scenario with LP instead of Single Sided Staking, if you had 10 000 $ATLO in LP, your score would be (10 000 / 50 000) * 1.3 = 26% and amount to 52 000 points.


The staking metric incentivises staking, rewards long term stakers and discourages attempts to stake $ATLO at the last minute to take part in IDOs. It’s also how you participate in governance:

Every $ATLO staked = 1 Vote, whether it’s in SSS or LP and voting improves your Vote Score.

The ramp up function manages how staking impacts the Atlo Rating.

This is from our Whitepaper:

After staking, the amount of $ATLO staked counting towards a person’s Atlo Rating “ramps up” over time.

The ramp up period is a linear 20 days where, after one day, 1/20 of the amount of $ATLO staked will count towards their Atlo Rating. After 20 days, the full amount of $ATLO staked will count towards their Atlo Rating.

Your Atlo Rating is better when you’re in for the long term.


When someone unstakes, the ramp down function kicks in and temporarily penalises your Atlo Rating.

It discourages unstaking, without punishing the individual so severely they don’t feel like it’s worth returning.

PLEASE NOTE : When you unstake, your $ATLO are instantly available. There are no lock up periods nor penalty fees. We’re referring to subtracting and returning points in the Atlo Rating metric,

The objectives of the unstaking penalty are:

  1. Disincentivise people to unstake $ATLO
  2. Reduce a person’s Atlo Rating temporarily.
  3. Discourage people from unstaking large volumes of $ATLO immediately after a launch window has closed.

After posting an unstaking transaction, the amount of $ATLO unstaked will penalise a person’s Atlo Rating temporarily. The impact of the penalty starts big and ramps down over time.

The penalty will be applied to the staking metric and proportionately the other four Atlo Rating metrics.

The ramp down period is a linear 20 days where, on day one, 20/20 of the amount of Atlo unstaked will penalise their Atlo Rating. After 20 days, the penalty from unstaking will no longer impact their Atlo Rating.

EXAMPLE: You’ve got 13 000 $ATLO Single Side Staked, and unstake 3000, leaving you with a total of 10 000 $ATLO. The unstake penalty is then applied to the 10 000 $ATLO still contributing to your score. This means that after unstaking you have 7000 $ATLO (10 000–3000) contributing to your staking score. Your contributing $ATLO increases from 7000 to 10 000 by 1/20th of 3000 each day until it is made whole on the 20th day.


Whether you use LP staking, Single Side Staking or a combination of both, the system is designed to reward long term commitment and discourage frequent staking and unstaking of $ATLO. Here’s a summary of everything in this article:

  1. If you claim vesting tokens and stake them within 20 days of making the claim, you will not incur the Ramp Up penalty.
  2. If you leave vesting tokens where they are, including claimable ones, they are considered “Fully Ramped”.
  3. Your Atlo Rating is displayed as a percentage (eg Bottom 20%, Top 10%) beneath your score to show you how you stack up to everyone else.
  4. Your Rating determines allocation in sales.
  5. It’s impossible to determine your allocation in UST until after the sale concludes.
  6. Any UST that isn’t allocated in a sale will be returned to your account within 48 hours of the sale closing.
  7. LP stakes and Single Sided Stakes earn different points.
  8. Your staking score Ramps Up over 20 days when you stake.
  9. The penalty for unstaking Ramps Down over 20 days.

Staking $ATLO is a key component of the platform.

It provides stability to the ecosystem, gives you power in governance, and improves your Atlo Rating, which gives you better allocations in sales.

While the inner workings and functionality can be confusing at first, the outcomes are easy to understand; the better your Atlo Rating, the more allocation you get.





A team building on Kujira. Our first product is Plasma, the OTC platform for everyone. Our second is Pilot, a launchpad in collaboration with the Kujira team.